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Nick Gillett: How independent brands can influence customer behaviour

Published:  17 July, 2023

Influencing consumers is something that all spirits brands try to do but it’s harder than you think.


Diageo urges drinkers to ‘Know When to Stop’ at Christmas

Published:  19 November, 2021

Smirnoff and Johnnie Walker maker Diageo has launched a new global responsible drinking campaign aimed at urging people to know when to say enough’s enough this Christmas.


Campari becomes Portman Group’s newest member

Published:  20 October, 2020

The Portman Group has welcomed Campari UK as its newest member


Fears of Brits binge drinking through lockdown unfounded, says Portman Group

Published:  05 June, 2020

The majority of Brits are drinking the same or less compared to before lockdown, with a large majority remaining within the UK chief medical officers’ (CMO) low risk guidelines (14 units per week), according to new research released today by the Portman Group.  


Double digit growth for Diageo brands as “Nation’s love of gin continues"

Published:  25 July, 2019

Sales of gin continue to boost spirits sales at Diageo, as Tanqueray and Gordon’s clock yet another year of double digit growth.


Industry asked: how much drink is too much?

Published:  27 April, 2018

How much is too much? Are new rules needed to stop drinks brands implying their products can improve mood? Does the industry still use sexist imagery to advertise drinks?


Diageo reaches five million milestone in its efforts to tackle drink driving

Published:  14 December, 2017

Diageo has secured over five million pledges from people who have vowed never to drink and drive.